My name is Tara and these are my stories....

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I got my keys back

Last night I went and picked up my keys. Marg and Dave found them in their driveway on Sunday. I can thank God that it rained on Sunday. If we still had snow, I probably wouldn't have gotten my keys back until the spring.

However, last week I went and replaced my car keys. Now we have 2 spare keys for each car (just in case someone loses keys again) and it only cost $21.00 to get new keys cut. At least now we don't have to replace the mail key. Which is a pain since they have to replace the whole lock.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I lost my keys...

Well, my hard earned streak for not losing my keys is over.

Last night, after meeting with my college and careers group (The Root Cellar), I could not resist the urge to throw snowballs at my friends. The weather was too perfect not too. I put my bag and my keys down and started an all out attack. It was a lot of fun. My aim hasn't really improved at all, but I do hit people about 40% of the time. We ran around throwing snowballs at each other for a good 15 minutes. I realized after some of my friends had left that I couldn't find my keys. They weren't in my pocket or by my bag. Matt, Tina, Eric and I spent the next 45 minutes looking for my keys in the dark (with a couple flash lights). We had no luck. I had to call my mom and ask her to bring me the spare set.

I am missing, 1 Toyota Corolla key, 1 Toyota Matrix key, my house key and my mail key. The good news is that Toyota keys aren't expensive to replace. I can bring my ownership and my ID to the dealership tomorrow and have new keys within 15 minutes. My mom suggested that we get 2 new keys for each car just is case.

My brother is never going to let me forget least this is not as bad as the time that my Dad locked the keys in the car when we were vacationing in PEI.

Yes, I'm alive

Well, one of my friends called me last night to check in and make sure that I was still alive since he hadn't heard from me in a while. Which made me think that I need to start blogging again.