"Oz" she spoke - Part 1
I've been in Australia for 3 weeks now, and I figured it was time to post of list of different words and sayings that are common here:
Ta - Thank you
How you going? - How are you?
Chalkies - Teachers
Chippies - Carpenters
Cockies - Farmers
Sparkies - Electricians
Bikies - Bikers
Oldies - Old People
Life Saver - Life Guard
Torch - Flashlight
Sunnies - Sunglasses
Bathers - Swim Suit
Jumper - Sweater
Chooks - Chickens
Boot - Trunck
Bonnet - Hood
Reticulation - Sprinker System
Tafe - College
Uni - University
Mate - Friend
Que - Line up
Bottleshop - Liquor Store
Chemist - Drugstore