My name is Tara and these are my stories....

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Breath a sigh of relief...

I can now relax and not stress out because I was granted an extension in my Old Testament Course. Thank you Professor Mark Boda! The last 6 weeks have been pretty crazy with my new job and getting ready for Alanna and Jason's wedding. Last week, I knew that there was no way that I could finish my paper by December 22. So I'll be spending my holidays reading the Old Testament and writing my paper. But at least I know have the time to submit a good paper.


Blogger don said...

you rat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll have you know i've been up til 1 am and back at it at 6am day after day.3 hours a day listening to my OT and I'm going bonkers! Through this I've managed to carry a job that takes 10 hours a day and raise a family.

Day after day, I've slugged it out.
I've read every spare moment I had.
I have sacrificed so much to get this done. I'm so sick of it I could screem. But you know what...I'm proud of myself!

Despite my ranting and raving, I'm happy for long as you dont get a better mark then me!

Its hard isnt it Tara. Just think...just 5 more years to go.
I hope this does not discourage you from taking the next course!
and I still look forward to going to school with you....even though you are a rat!!!!!!!!

3:27 p.m.

Blogger don said...

Happy New Year Tara!
I trust you are working on your essay. I take back all the rotten things I said about you cause I.m done and your still slaving.......See ya at church

9:15 a.m.


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